Here's a YouTube video that proves my point from a couple of posts ago about altissimo. These videos should probably be banned in the Geneva Convention. I don't think we'll be safe from them if the new Attorney General appointee gets confirmed. Thanks Dan, I guess.....
Dave Koz & Danny Jung playing saxophone duet
This one is so corny it will make you nauseous:
Dave Koz - You Make Me Smile
"It's not what you play, but the attitude that you bring to the saxophone that's important."- Dave Koz
Sheer brilliance ... ship him to Guantanamo pronto! Spare us the Koz's & Bush's in this world.
Thanks again for making this the musician's blog of blogs!
You know, when I first saw that there was a comment on this post I thought to myself,"Shit, here's some rabid Koz fanatic bitching me out". Luckily you guys are even hipper than I thought. Thanks.
If we were to ship all of the Smooth-Jazz saxophonists to Guantanamo (now that is sheer brilliance!) then there would be a whole lot of starving hairdressers in L.A.
Man, David, could you just not validate them by even granting any of them space on your blog? These are the cheeseballs that are probably contributing to the current dearth of gigs!! {insert your favorite retching sound here}
I thought there might be some place that I could avoid them altogether but I guess I'll have to go back to my Ostrich routine.
One more for the road. I watched that shit with the sound off to prevent myself from getting overly traumatized and unable to help care for my newborn. I'd never noticed that Dave Koz kind of looks like Donnie Osmond and Arnold Schwartznegger mated or something. The "Oh just stop it, you're killing me baby," hand gesture towards the end really moved me though.
My favorite part was the short note back kick.
I think I actually lost some brain cells....
Dear Dave,
In your article about the high notes, you forgot to mention the importance of using hand gestures while playing. Personally, I find it much easier to hit those panty-dropping pitches if I use my right hand to imitate the flight patterns of a butterfly, thus adding a visual enhancement to the already purely orgasmic sound the audience is hearing. With these visual cues, it's a lot easier to score with forty-something soccer moms AND their husbands!
I once saw Richie Cole do the ultimate altissimo gag. He played a long squealing ascending line and when he got to the altissimo range he lifted his left hand straight up and off of his upper stack while he kept his fingers moving, as if they were still fingering a horn. When he got up around double high D his squeal descended as his hand came back down onto his horn and started to actually finger notes, rather than just bitting his reed.
The crowd went absolutely nuts for this super cheese-ball maneuver. This kind of thing is how Richie was able to capture the hearts of white soccer moms and dads in the early 80's. Richie Cole was HUGE back then.
has anyone tried looking for any videos that have decent players playing altissimo decently?....search for gerald albright playing georgia on my mind....i wish he would play more stuff...hes got chops but deals mostly with the smooth crap....very similar to literal smooth crap in fact.
This is the most sickening thing I have ever scene. I have diarrhea now thanks.
...well, I also use mirror sometimes while practising, but I wish I'll never come to THIS level...
D. Koz is THE Ben Affleck of the sax... for whatever that's worth.
And thanks for the Richie Cole comment. I remember being at one of his shows at Kuumbwa back when I was a soccer kid and just wanting to sneak out and and bail from the shame and disgust taking over my psyche.
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