I first heard saxophonist Eric Crystal play he was only about 18 or 19 years old. He was by far the most mature and talented teenage saxophonist I had ever heard. While I was living in Oakland I had the chance to play a few sessions with him at my buddy Dred Scott's crib. At that time called Eric 'Young blood' . Well, Eric is now in his thirties and he sounds even better than ever. I think he's been touring with Boz Scaggs (not a bad gig to have) for several years now, but when he's back in the Bay Area he still does plenty of damage in the local Jazz clubs.
Eric is a real natural, one of these guys with just an innate musicality. He's always highly creative, a true improviser and never shows off or sacrifices taste to create excitement. Eric always develops his solos very compositionally while seriously swinging his ass off. Eric Crystal is truly gifted, and along with plenty of discipline he has become one of the best players of his generation.
Eric Crystal's home page
video of Eric playing Evidence
Eric's MySpace page
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