
The Vast Space of Colours´ Sound

Here's a website that explains a system for relating exact colors to intervals and scale types. It looks interesting but I haven't had the time to really study it yet. If anyone does get into it please let me know what you think.

It is only logical that colors should have exact correspondences to musical notes, since both colors and tones are governed by the same laws of number. One of the main differences in our perception of color and sound is that we only see one octave of color, but we can hear eleven octaves of tones.

Here is the introduction from the Longchen Harmony site:

  • As the potentiality of mind is providing the space for perception, thinking, emotions, concepts and language, another way to express this space as light and movement is through music and through color. In order to come to an understanding of preferences and dislikes for musical harmonies, one is offered an overview of the whole harmonic space as such, beyond the conventional understanding of what is convenient. Preferences for certain Harmonies should not lead to fixations that means to prevent one to explore the special characters of less known harmonies and appreciate them. In context the general tolerance towards the display of colors as such and their varying effects is broader-less strange. This may be caused by the development of modern art, the painting and an acceptance on a large scale. To present the interaction of the effects of color and tone, one uses the intervals of 12 tones within music to approach an approximate objectivity. These intervals and structures show the scales of music as colour and as degrees of light in progression. It will be shown by first establishing the criteria for the 3 basic colors through the intervals and than explaining how they fuse within the modulation of the scales' structure and functions in the vertical and in the horizontal.

Thanks Maureen!

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