I met Tim Price in a internet Jazz chat room about six years ago. We have been corresponding ever since. He lives outside of Philly and teaches in Philly and in NYC along with being a Selmer clinician. Tim is talented multi-instrumentalist who plays all the saxes along with the electric bassoon, flute, clarinet, and bass clarinet. He also makes a point to keep tabs on many heavy saxophonists around the country. He's tuned in to the real players. He's an old school Bebopper who is trying to keep the music Jazz tradition alive, but with a highly developed internet savvy. I wish there were more cats like Tim out there educating the next generation of musicians. He has a nice web site with some really great online lessons. I'm trying to get him out here next year to play some gigs so drop me a line if you'd be interested in taking a lesson with him while he's out here.http://www.timpricejazz.com/lessons.html
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