I thought I should give you guys an update on how my RadioDirectX investment has panned out so far.

The charge to submit a Jazz CD for six months is about $500. It's been just a few couple of months and so far we've sent out fifty CDs directly to radio DJs and programmers. These are people who have already heard several tracks from the RadioDirectX site of our CD and want to play it on the radio, not just random mailings.
The countries that I've sent CDs to are: France, Luxembourg, Columbia, Netherlands, Turkey, Italy, Australia, Armenia, Macedonia, Germany, Poland, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, Scotland, Ukraine, and Belarus. By far the most requests have been from Australia.
We've gotten some very good feedback, including contacts for Polish CD distribution and yesterday we were invited to play at a Jazz festival in Columbia (often DJs are also involved in promoting festivals).
I would say that RadioDirectX has been a worthwhile investment. After all, those CDs could still be sitting in boxes in my basement.