PJJ-TV episode #4 w/John Stowell
a production of Portland Jazz Jams – produced by Darren Littlejohn. For questions or technical concerns, please contact: info@portlandjazzjams.com
The video is viewable in the following ways:
1) by connecting to the PJJ-TV Video Blog: portlandjazzjams.blip.tv and viewing directly in your browser
2) by going to the PJJ Podshow page and right clicking the show file for direct download to your computer.
3) by subscribing in iTunes, via Windows or Mac, by searching Podcasts for Portland Jazz Jams.
Excellent video David! Thank you for directing a great episode. Look forward to upcoming episodes. John Stowell is really inspiring. =)
Doesn't work on the last version of QuickTime that I have (v6.5.2 'cause later versions high-jack the browser). :( I'm trying to download some different programs that might play it or convert it to something else....
I saw Pirates of Silicon Valley recently. You ever see that?
I'm gonna annoy you w/ updates on my progress till I either succeed or give up: Advanced X Video Converter 3.9.21 wouldn't convert that file (though it is supposed to do ".mov"s). :(
ACDSee v7.0 is supposed to convert QuickTime files to other formats. I located, download & install a copy. An error occurs when it tries to play a QuickTime file. (Apparently it's trying to do it w/ the installed version of QuickTime I have, v6.5.2 I think, which isn't recent enough to play your video.) It's supposed to be able to convert it to another file format, but it looks like its only conversion options are to image formats & not video formats. :(
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